How Covid-19 Has Changed The Face Of Software Lifestyle Forever

girish kotte
4 min readMay 14, 2021


The entire world was disrupted by the arrival of the novel coronavirus in 2020. As governments worldwide began to impose strict lockdown restrictions, organizations had to quickly adapt to the changing environment and implement remote working practices. As a result, almost all software companies began working from home during the pandemic.

It is now almost entirely certain that we will be working in a hybrid working environment in the post covid scenario. This means that remote working is going to become a deeply organic and integral part of the ecosystem. In fact, several companies worldwide are going entirely remote because of the various advantages that remote working brings to the software space today. What are some of these advantages? Let’s take a look!

Advantages Of Remote Working

Increased Flexibility

This is one of the major pros of remote working. Since workers are no longer required to report to the office at a certain time every day, there is an increased amount of flexibility in work timings and workdays. Employees will be able to log on at any time of the day and log off whenever they wish to as well.

Increased Autonomy

Since no boss is hovering around the desk during the typical remote working day, employees will be able to enjoy a lot more freedom and independence in their work. Managers and leaders now have no choice but to trust their employees without helicoptering around. Of course, this means that employees can unleash their creative potential and implement their own ideas in the software space with greater freedom.

Greater Productivity

It has been observed time and again that working from home increases the productivity of employees. Since there is no need to navigate the nasty traffic every morning and there are no office distractions to take the worker’s attention away from their tasks, employees are able to give their all while working from home. It has also been observed that employees tend to put in extra hours of work when working from home. All of this is brilliant for increasing productivity in the software space.

Work From Anywhere, Anytime

Remote working allows organizations to hire employees who reside halfway across the country or even halfway across the world. Geographical restrictions no longer come into play because everything can be done on the internet. This means that you can rapidly expand your employee base to include people from different countries and cultures. With this, organizations will not only be able to increase their diversity, but they will also be able to obtain highly skilled software developers from across the world.

Technology at the forefront

Since all of the work is done in a completely digitized manner, remote working requires organizations to invest in sophisticated technologies. This is excellent for the software lifestyle, which runs from start to finish on technology. Any extra investment in efficient technologies is a victory for software development.

However, just because remote working affords these various advantages to the software space does not mean that you implement it in your organization without giving a second thought to the matter. In fact, it is essential for you to undertake several steps to ensure that all of your employees are able to work in an efficient and smooth manner in a remote working environment. What are some of these steps, and how can you implement them? Let’s explore!

Steps To Implement Remote Working

Implementing Tools For Collaboration

Since your employees are not going to be sitting face to face in a remote working environment, it is essential for them to be able to collaborate quickly and easily with each other. This is why you need to invest in good project management tools and collaboration tools so that all of your workers are able to complete their work with the same level of satisfaction as if they were sitting in the same room.

Implementing Cybersecurity

A remote working environment increases the attack surface of your organization. Since your employees will be working from home, they will be extremely vulnerable to hackers and cyber threats. Your own company’s data might also be at a greater risk of exposure online as well. This is why it is extremely important for you to implement strong cyber security in your remote software team.

Implementing Tools For Communication

Communication is one of the biggest challenges for employees who are working from home. Investing in various communication tools will go a long way in eliminating long email threads and unclear messaging. Having an excellent platform to communicate will also help to foster professional relationships and emotional connections between employees in a remote working ecosystem.

So, is your software development team ready to go fully remote in the post-covid scenario? What kind of steps are you taking to make this happen? Let me know in the comments below!

